The Best CRM Systems for Small Businesses

Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to help you choose the right CRM system and also introduce you to 5 CRM systems ideal for small businesses.

Table of Contents


What is a CRM System?

How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business


Bigin by Zoho CRM

Freshsales CRM

Salesforce Starter Suite

Pipedrive CRM

Less Annoying CRM




CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems have become an indispensable tool for small businesses looking to thrive. These systems are not just about managing customer interactions; they're about harnessing the power of data to build stronger relationships, streamline sales processes, and deliver personalized customer experiences that set you apart from the competition.

For small businesses, the right CRM system can be the source of growth, providing insights that lead to better decision-making, improved efficiency, and increased sales. However, with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which CRM system fits your unique business needs.

This guide aims to narrow down CRM systems for small businesses. We'll cover what CRM systems are, how they can benefit your business, and provide an in-depth look at some of the top CRM solutions tailored for small businesses.

If you are looking for the best CRM solutions, no matter if you are a small business or not, we highly recommend reading our Comparison of the most popular CRMs for 2024.

What is a CRM System?

At its core, a CRM system is a technology that manages all your company's relationships and interactions with current and potential customers. The goal is straightforward: Improve business relationships to grow your business.

Why is CRM important for small businesses? Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from a CRM system as it provides a centralized platform to track all customer interactions, sales opportunities, and marketing campaigns. This centralization leads to improved customer service, sales, and ultimately, a more cohesive strategy for business growth.

Key Functions of a CRM System:

  1. Contact Management: Keeps track of all customer interactions, ensuring no detail is missed.
  2. Sales Management: Manages the sales pipeline, from lead generation to closing deals, and everything in between.
  3. Marketing Automation: Automates repetitive tasks in marketing campaigns, ensuring consistent communication with prospects and customers.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Offers insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and marketing effectiveness.

The Value of CRM to Small Businesses:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By having all your customer information in one place, your team can offer personalized experiences, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Increased Sales: A CRM system can help you identify sales opportunities, track leads through the sales pipeline, and streamline the sales process to close more deals.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automating routine tasks and organizing customer data helps reduce manual work.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Real-time data and analytics provide valuable insights into business performance.

In essence, a CRM system is not just a tool for managing customer information; it's a strategic asset that can help small businesses attract and retain customers and maximize profitability. With the right CRM, small businesses can achieve a level of efficiency that was once only possible for larger corporations.

How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business

The ideal CRM should not only fit your current needs but also scale as your business grows. Here’s a guide to help you navigate through the selection process, ensuring you pick a CRM that aligns with your business goals.

Key Considerations When Choosing a CRM

1. Ease of Use

The CRM should have an intuitive interface, requiring minimal training for your team. A user-friendly CRM ensures higher adoption rates among your staff.

2. Customization

Every business has unique needs. The CRM you choose should offer ample customization options to tailor the software to your specific workflows.

3. Integration

Look for a CRM that integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms your business uses, such as email clients, social media, and accounting software.

4. Scalability

As your business grows, your CRM needs will evolve. Choose a CRM that can scale with your business, offering additional features and capabilities as needed.

5. Cost

Budget is a key concern for small businesses. Consider not only the upfront costs but also long-term expenses, including subscription fees, additional users, and features.

6. Support and Training

Ensure the CRM provider offers comprehensive support and training resources to help your team make the most of the system.

CRM consideration factors



HubSpot is a CRM solution that not only manages customer relationships but also empowers marketing, sales, and service efforts. Its cloud-based platform offers a suite of tools designed to support businesses in their growth journey, making it a favorite among marketers and business owners alike.

Key Features:

  • Unified CRM Platform: HubSpot offers a centralized system for sales, marketing, service, CMS, and operations, providing a 360° view of customer interactions.
  • Lead Generation and Email Marketing: Advanced tools for attracting leads and running email marketing campaigns.
  • Customer Service Tools: Equips support teams with the information and tools needed to offer proactive and efficient customer service.
  • Content Management System (CMS): A powerful CMS integrated with CRM functionalities to improve website infrastructure and customer experiences.


  • All-in-One Solution: Combines the functionalities of multiple applications into a single platform.
  • Scalability: Offers features that support the growth of small to large-scale businesses.
  • Strong Community and Support: Provides extensive resources, community forums, and customer support.


  • Pricing Structure: While offering a free plan, advanced features require substantial investment, which may be steep for smaller operations.
  • Complexity for Smaller Needs: Small businesses with simple requirements may find some functionalities overwhelming or unnecessary.


  • Free Plan: Access to basic CRM features at no cost.
  • Starter CRM Suite: $50/month for access to starter features across sales, marketing, service, CMS, and operations hubs.
  • Professional and Enterprise Plans: Tailored for businesses ready to scale, with pricing starting at $450/month for professional features and customization options.

HubSpot CRM is a robust platform that offers small businesses the tools to manage customer relationships effectively, automate marketing and sales processes, and deliver exceptional service.

Take your business to the next level with HubSpot CRM

Bigin by Zoho CRM

Bigin by Zoho CRM

For small businesses, Bigin offers a simplified yet powerful solution that balances functionality with affordability. Designed specifically with small businesses in mind, Bigin brings together essential CRM features in an intuitive package that requires minimal setup time.

Key Features:

  • Pipeline Management: Visualize your sales pipeline with customizable stages to efficiently track and manage deals from initial contact to closure.
  • Contact Management: Centralize customer information, including contact details, communication history, and social media profiles, in one easily accessible location.
  • Automation: Automate routine tasks such as follow-up emails and task assignments to streamline your sales process and reduce manual work.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Zoho apps and popular third-party applications like Gmail and Microsoft Office.
  • Mobility: With its mobile app, Bigin allows sales teams to access vital information and perform tasks on the go.

Bigin shines in its straightforward approach to managing sales pipelines, making it an excellent choice for small businesses looking to enhance visibility and control over their sales activities. The platform’s user-friendly interface encourages quick adoption and helps teams realize the benefits of CRM without complexity.


  • Affordability: With a tiered pricing model that includes a free entry-level option, Bigin is accessible for businesses of all sizes.
  • Ease of Use: A straightforward interface and setup process mean businesses can get up and running with minimal downtime.
  • Customization: While Bigin is simpler than full-featured CRMs, it still offers sufficient customization options to meet the specific needs of small businesses.


  • Limited Scalability: As businesses grow, they may find Bigin's features somewhat limited compared to more comprehensive CRM solutions.
  • Integration Limitations: While it integrates well with other Zoho products and some external apps, its ecosystem isn't as extensive as some competitors.


  • Free Plan: This plan is perfect for individuals or very small businesses just starting their CRM journey, allowing them to upgrade as their needs evolve.
  • Express Plan: €7 per user/month, billed yearly. Designed for small businesses ready to take their CRM implementation to the next level with a more comprehensive set of features.
  • Premier Plan: €12 per user/month, billed yearly. Tailored for fast-growing businesses and startups, this plan offers advanced features to support more complex sales processes and customer relationship management needs.

Bigin stands out as a practical entry point for small businesses seeking to streamline their sales processes without committing to the complexity and cost of more advanced CRM systems. Its balance of essential features, ease of use, and affordability make it a compelling choice for small businesses.

Get Started with Bigin Today

Freshsales CRM


Freshsales CRM continues to be a standout choice for small to medium-sized businesses seeking a CRM that combines usability, flexibility, and smart automation.

Key Features:

  • Custom Fields: Allows businesses to customize the CRM to their unique operational needs, ensuring all relevant customer information can be captured and utilized effectively.
  • Multichannel Communication: Enables businesses to connect with customers where they are, whether through email, phone, chat, or social media, directly from the CRM platform.
  • Productivity Boosting Automation: Automates routine tasks such as lead assignment, follow-ups, and sales sequences, saving valuable time and allowing sales teams to focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks.
  • 360-Degree Customer View: Provides a comprehensive view of each customer by aggregating interactions, communications, and social profiles in one place.
  • Pipeline Management: Visualizes the sales pipeline with customizable stages, allowing for efficient tracking and management of deals from initial contact to closure.

Freshsales is particularly suited for businesses at the initial stages of CRM adoption that anticipate scaling their operations. It offers an intuitive platform that simplifies CRM processes while providing depth in features for more experienced users.


  • Scalable Solution: With plans ranging from Free to Enterprise, Freshsales accommodates businesses at any growth stage.
  • Comprehensive Feature Set: The platform's extensive tools, including AI insights and multichannel communication.
  • User-Friendly: Freshsales maintains an interface that simplifies CRM adoption across all levels of tech proficiency.


  • Complexity with Advanced Features: While beneficial, the vast array of features can be overwhelming for CRM novices.
  • Pricing for Higher Tiers: As businesses grow and require more advanced features, the cost can escalate.


  • Free Plan: Perfect for small teams looking to organize their sales process and engage with leads quickly. Offers built-in chat, email, and phone capabilities at no cost for up to 3 users.
  • Growth Plan: Priced at $15 per user/month, this plan introduces powerful CRM automation features to help growing sales teams minimize repetitive tasks and allocate more time to selling.
  • Pro Plan: At $39 per user/month, the Pro plan caters to businesses managing multiple sales teams, providing all the necessary tools to boost revenue growth professionally.
  • Enterprise Plan: The most advanced option at $69 per user/month offers extensive customization, governance, and control, allowing for a highly tailored CRM experience to suit complex business needs.

Freshsales CRM offers a mix of simplicity, power, and intelligence, making it an excellent choice for small businesses looking to implement a CRM that can scale with their growth.

Boost Your Sales with Freshsales

Salesforce Starter Suite


At an accessible price point and with an emphasis on simplicity, Salesforce Starter Suite is designed to provide the essential tools small businesses need to manage customer relationships effectively and grow their operations.

Key Features

  • Lead Generation: Utilize marketing campaign templates, segmentation and an AI-powered email send optimization to attract more leads.
  • Cloud Service: A customer-centric platform that uses AI and a variety of tools to help businesses manage inquiries across multiple channels.
  • Customer Retention: Improve service with faster case resolution and knowledge management, delivering personalized experiences across all customer touchpoints.


  • Comprehensive CRM Functionality: Integrates sales, service, and marketing in one platform, eliminating the need for multiple systems.
  • AI and Automation: Empowers businesses with AI-driven insights and automation, enhancing efficiency and decision-making.
  • Ease of Adoption: With an intuitive interface and guided setup, businesses can quickly adopt and utilize the CRM to its full potential.


  • Learning Curve: While designed to be user-friendly, the depth of Salesforce's features may require a learning period for new users.
  • Feature Overwhelm: New users might find the range of features daunting, necessitating a phased approach to adoption.


Priced at $25 per user/month. This plan offers a comprehensive CRM suite that includes marketing, sales, and service capabilities tailored for the needs and budgets of small businesses.

All in all, the Salesforce Starter Suite is an attractive option for small businesses seeking an easy-to-use, affordable CRM solution that doesn't compromise on functionality.

Transform Your Business with Salesforce Starter

Pipedrive CRM


Pipedrive CRM emerges as a leading solution for small businesses focused on optimizing their sales pipeline and enhancing overall sales efficiency. 

Key Features

  • Customizable Sales Pipelines and Stages: Tailor your sales pipeline to reflect your unique sales process, enabling precise tracking and management of deals at every stage.
  • 24/7 Lead Generation Chatbot: Deploy a customizable chatbot on your website to capture leads around the clock without manual intervention.
  • Automated Call Scheduling and Email Marketing: Simplify outreach efforts with automation tools that schedule calls and send targeted email campaigns.
  • Visual Reporting and Custom Dashboards: Gain insights into sales performance with visual reports and create custom dashboards tailored to your business needs.


  • Intuitive Interface: Pipedrive's user-friendly design facilitates quick adoption and minimizes training time.
  • Deal-Driven Workflow: Focuses on moving deals through the pipeline efficiently, providing clear visibility into the sales process.
  • Mobile Apps and Synchronization: Offers robust mobile apps and syncs calls and emails for seamless communication and task management.


  • Limited Functionality at Lower Tiers: Some businesses may find the functionality limited compared to more expensive plans.
  • Lack of Lead and Contact Separation: The platform does not distinguish between new leads and contacts, which might require additional organization.


  • Essential Plan: €14.90/user/month - Designed to get small businesses organized and set up with simple sales processes quickly.
  • Advanced Plan: €27.90/user/month - Adds advanced features like email automation.
  • Professional Plan: €49.90/user/month - Offers more customization options and in-depth reporting for optimizing performance.
  • Power Plan: €64.90/user/month - Provides flexible collaboration tools and support for larger teams.
  • Enterprise Plan: €99.00/user/month - Delivers an unlimited Pipedrive experience with comprehensive support.

Pipedrive is a compelling choice for small businesses seeking an efficient, deal-oriented CRM solution. Its focus on ease of use, combined with powerful sales process visualization and automation features, makes it an attractive option for teams looking to improve their sales outcomes.

Optimize Your Sales Pipeline with Pipedrive

Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying CRM stands out with its straightforward, user-friendly approach. Designed specifically for small businesses, it offers a comprehensive suite of CRM functionalities without the complexity or high costs often associated with such systems.

Key Features

  • Calendar and Task Views: Organize your day with integrated calendar and task management features, ensuring that no follow-up or meeting is missed.
  • Lead Reports: Track leads with detailed reports that include status, priority, and contact information.
  • Unlimited Access: Offers unlimited user access, contacts, companies, custom fields, and pipelines.


  • Affordable Plan for All Features: One of the most competitively priced CRMs on the market, offering great value for small businesses.
  • Ease of Use: Designed to be intuitive and straightforward, minimizing the potential for user frustration.
  • Great Mobile Experience: Ensures that managing your CRM on the go is as seamless as it is from the desktop.


  • Limited Reporting Capabilities: While it covers the basics, businesses needing deep analytics may find the reporting features insufficient.
  • No Dedicated Leads Module: The system doesn't separate leads from contacts, which could require additional organization for sales processes.


$15 per user/month + tax. This straightforward pricing structure includes all features, with no complicated tiers or hidden costs. Plus, a 30-day risk-free trial is available to test the waters before committing.

Less Annoying CRM lives up to its name by offering a hassle-free, effective CRM solution that addresses the core needs of small businesses without unnecessary complexity or expense. For small businesses seeking an accessible, straightforward CRM, Less Annoying CRM offers a compelling blend of functionality and affordability.

Embrace Simplicity with Less Annoying CRM


In essence, the best CRM for your small business is one that aligns with your specific goals, workflows, and budget. By leveraging the insights and functionalities of these CRM platforms, small businesses can build stronger relationships with customers, streamline operations, and set the stage for sustained growth and success.

If you're considering any CRM system mentioned in this article, but aren't sure where to start, we're here to help. We aim to make the process of choosing, customizing, and implementing your CRM as straightforward as possible.

Whether you're ready to dive in or just have a few questions, feel free to book a free consultation with one of our experts.


1. What is a CRM system?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is software that helps businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

2. Why should small businesses use a CRM?

Small businesses benefit from CRM systems by organizing customer information, improving lead management, automating sales processes, and enhancing customer service, all of which can lead to increased sales and growth.

3. Are CRMs affordable for small businesses?

Yes. Many CRM systems, like Less Annoying CRM and Pipedrive, offer plans designed with small business budgets in mind, providing essential features at an affordable cost.

4. How complex is CRM implementation?

It varies. Solutions like Salesforce Starter Suite are designed for ease of use with guided onboarding, while others may require more initial setup.

5. Can I customize the CRM to fit my business?

Absolutely. Most CRM platforms offer customizable features, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific business needs.

6. How do I select the right CRM?

Consider your business needs, budget, and growth plans. Look for a CRM that offers the features you need, fits within your budget, and can scale with your business. Trial periods can also help you test a system before committing.

7. Does my team need a lot of training to use a CRM?

This depends on the complexity of the system chosen. Many CRMs designed for small businesses prioritize user-friendly interfaces and offer resources and support to help in learning the system.

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